Complaints Procedure


If at any time you feel that Loqbox has not provided the level of service you expect, please use the complaints procedure below.

Step 1: If you feel you have cause for complaint, please contact us via

Step 2: We will assess each complaint individually and will normally provide a written response within 20 days. Should we require more time to process your complaint we will contact you within 20 days to let you know when we will be in a position to provide a response.

Step 3: When you receive our response to your complaint, please read it carefully. If you believe that we have satisfactorily resolved your issue then we will consider the matter closed.

Step 4: If you do not believe we have addressed your complaint in a satisfactory way, we would invite you to lay out your concerns and return them to us within 20 days of receiving our reply. Please respond via the same method with which you made the initial complaint.

Step 5: We will address your ongoing concerns within 20 days and write to you with our final response.

Step 6: If you are still unhappy with our findings, you may be eligible to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman service. Details will be provided at the time.