Loqbox member reviews

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Join over one million people we’ve already helped

Our members are the heart of everything that we do. From building credit, achieving financial goals and feeling more in control of money, we’re with you every step of the way.

Don’t just take our word for it, explore honest reviews and stories from people like you.

Inspire others with your story!
Share a video about how Loqbox has helped you

Join our mission to give everyone access to a richer life! Celebrate your success by sharing your story – you could earn £250 if your video is featured.

How do I get involved?

Record a roughly 30 second video of yourself, talking about how Loqbox has helped you. You might...
  • Explain the events that led to you looking for something like Loqbox
  • Tell us about your financial goals, and how you're getting there
  • Celebrate your biggest achievement since joining Loqbox
You can talk about whatever matters most to you. We're all running our own race, and we're here to celebrate all our wins together!

Don't worry about editing, fancy lighting or special effects, we'll do all the editing for you.

Check out the stories above for some inspiration.

Once you've submitted your video, we'll review it and be in touch if your video is selected.
Share your story

Share your story and you could earn £250 if your video is featured!

By submitting your video, you agree to our terms and conditions, which you can find here

Submit your video

Once you're ready, fill out your details below and upload your video.
Drop a file here
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