Understanding what else makes up your credit report

We've already talked about what credit data is on your credit history but what about other data? It all matters, which is why today we are going to be looking at what other data makes up your credit file.

Your name and address

Each CRA will hold your name and address. They may also hold multiple versions of your name if you've ever spelt it differently, or a lender has spelt it differently, on an application form.

Electoral roll

Each CRA will be able to tell if you are on the Electoral Roll at your address. As we've mentioned before, if you aren't, it’s worth doing, as it’s an easy way to help grow your credit score! If you've just registered you'll need to allow a few weeks for the systems to update.

CCJ data

If you've been subject to a CCJ (County Court Judgment) this will show on your credit file for 6 years from the data it is satisfied.

Gone away

If you've moved address or left the country owing money this information will be stored on your credit history.

Fraud warnings

If you've been caught committing any kind of fraud this could be noted on your credit report for others to see.

This data forms a decent chunk of your credit report so it's important to get to grips with what it all means.

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