Making yourself visible to the system

Hopefully, you’ve had the chance to check out your credit reports from each Credit Reference Agency (CRA).

If you’ve tried but not managed to find your credit report, you might be 'invisible' to the system for some reason, meaning one or more CRA can't find you. Don’t worry, we can fix that now. Here are four things you can do right now:

1. Contact the CRAs

The CRAs might be able to solve the problem for you right away. Use the links below to get in touch with each agency.

2. Get your statutory credit report

Each CRA must provide this by law online, it used to cost £2 but is now free (woohoo!). It's basic but a good starting point. Use the links below to get your copy:

3. Get on the electoral roll

This helps CRAs to identify you. You can learn more on the website, or continue to our next Loqbox Learn article  where we'll tell you everything you need to know.

4. Make your rent count

Loqbox Rent helps you to boost your credit history with your regular rent payments. Simply sign up, connect your account and make your rent payments as normal each month. It doesn’t matter whether  you pay rent to a landlord, the council, a friend, or partner — we'll report them to Experian for you.

Get Loqbox Rent

Once you've gone through the steps above, keep checking your reports to see if your visibility is improving. But be patient, it can take a couple of months.

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